Monday, 3 June 2013

Living Streets has released this book nationally, about making better places and better streets and why these things matter.
It covers issues like:
Putting Place on the agenda (5)
Designing quality places with communities (7)
Valuing local distinctiveness and character (11)
Sharing inclusive and accessible streets (15)
Encouraging active, healthy people (19)
Living in safe and friendly neighbourhoods (23)
Growing thriving local shops and services (27)
Enjoying greener spaces (31)

It is free to download at

It has also sent copies to local councils including Camden and Islington, and would seem to reinforce some of the long-awaited guiding priciples for the Place Shaping document adopted by both Camden and Islington for King's Cross (May 2012): also downloadable as a pdf.

How to apply these principles in practice, especially in conjunction with the major planned changes in the town centre area, will be the next challenge.